Thursday, July 16, 2009

Epsiode-9: Butterfly of a Different Color

Sisko woke up in her hospital room, again. Alice had promised this was the last day. That everything would be arranged and she could leave. She looked over at the unopened bag of knitting her father had brought her. This place seemed too tainted to open it. Tainted was the only word her mind screamed when she thought of where she was. The therapist who came by three times a day kept asking her what that meant. Sisko kept not explaining it. As if it was her business. As if she would ever see the woman again. She looked at the flowers her ER doctor, Dr. Geden had left. She smiled. He had plied her for tons of information about herself, but she knew he wanted to hear about Alice. And she had spilled the beans. Told him everything sweet and endearing she could think of about her older sister. Alice wasn’t happy by herself and Sisko just wanted her sister happy again.

She showered and got into clean hospital clothes, she refused to wear her own. Tainted. Someone knocked on the door and then came in. They did that here, not waiting for permission. It was Alice.

“Hey, Sis, how are ya?” She asked, handing Sisko a black coffee from Starbucks.

“Yay! Better now,” Sisko grabbed the coffee.

“They won’t discharge you until this afternoon, but Dad and I have everything all set up at my house. You have internet and everything.”

“Sweet. I’ve been thinking a lot, mostly because I have nothing else to do, and I’m really happy that it’s ending up like this. I think moving out of Mom’s is going to be good for me.”

“You think?” Alice rolled her eyes, “Glad you’ve finally realized that. I’ve only been telling you for years that you should get out of there. You kill me.” Another knock on the door made Sisko jump, and then smile. She’d arranged it this way. No one coming or going. They would both have to sit here.

“Oh, Dr. Geden,” Sisko said, her voice all light and airy, “so nice of you to drop by.” He shuffled into the room, looking for a seat. Alice got up and offered him hers. She moved to Sisko’s bed and sat on the end.

“Thank you, Sisko. I just wanted to stop by and wish you well,” Dr, Geden said, leaning toward her bed.

“You’re so sweet, George.” Sisko sipped her coffee and looked at Alice.

“Yep, sweet.” Alice smiled. Sisko watched them both. It was agonizing. It was stupid. They had a lot in common, she knew they would get along.

“George has a sister too,” she said, “she’s a lesbian though. So he doesn’t really try to set her up with dates like I do to you.” Sisko grinned and sipped her coffee.

“Well, actually, I was wondering if you’d like to go out with her, Sisko. I’ve been trying to get up the courage to ask. I know the circumstances are a little odd.” Sisko froze, open mouthed, looking at Alice. Alice just had a funny look on her face.

“Oh my God,” Alice said.

“No, thank you. You should leave.” Sisko pointed to the door with her head down. She looked up just in time to see Alice slip the doctor her card and mouth ‘call me’. As the door closed behind Dr. Geden. Sisko hit Alice in the head with a pillow.



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