Monday, July 20, 2009

Episode-10: Broken Wing Finger

Alice and Sisko stood in Alice’s kitchen draped in aprons. Sisko’s was spotless and Alice, apron and all, was covered in flour. Alice stirred thick cookie dough with a wooden spoon while Sisko rinsed dishes and shook her head at Dr. Phill

“That guy is such a crock of you-know-what, Alice,” she tisked while she wiped down the counter where Alice was still mixing.

“So change it. I hate this garbage anyway,” Alice dug a spoonful of chocolate chip laden dough out of the bowl and held it up to Sisko, “Want this?”

“Eeeww! No! I’ll get salmonella.” Sisko closed her mouth squished her face up in a grimace of disgust. Alice shrugged her shoulders and ate the dough.

“Your loss. Do you have the baking sheet ready?” Sisko nodded and pulled moved the baking sheet to the counter where Alice was mixing. Alice pulled a big spoonful of dough out of the bowl and was about to drop it onto the cookie sheet when the doorbell rang. Sisko rolled the dough off the spoon.

“Are we expecting anyone?” she asked.

“Nope,” Alice wiped her hands on her apron and walked out to the door with Sisko on her heels, fluffing her hair. Alice opened the door to an Armani suit and corporate smile.

“Oh, God,” Sisko moaned. She grabbed the door from Alice and started to shut it, but Nick stuck his hand out and stopped her. Alice caught a glimpse of his gold pinky ring and grabbed its native finger shoving it backwards from the hand and stretching it in its socket.

“I don’t know who you think you are, but if my sister tries to shut the door on you, I suggest you be a gentleman and let her,” she said, enjoying the surprised look of pain on Stockbroker324’s leathery, tan face.

“I just wanted to ask you out again,” he stammered, “I thought you seemed nice.”

“I’m not.” Alice wrenched the pinky back, delighting in the sick snap it made as it dislocated. Reflexively, Nick stepped back from the door and onto the porch. His mouth opened and started to form words.

“You…” Sisko slammed the door. Alice locked it. They looked at each other, listening. It was quiet for a second. And then the pounding started and the shouting. Alice and Sisko shrugged and walked back into the kitchen. Sisko flipped the TV to the cooking channel and turned up the volume. Alice finished globbing cookies onto the baking sheet. When the cookie sheet was full she put it in the oven and set the timer, uncorked a bottle of wine, and poured glasses for Sisko and herself. The pounding and shouting went on longer than they expected, but sitting on the sofa with wine and the TV turned up, they hardly noticed Nick was there. Soon the homey aroma of cookies filled the air and they really were as happy as two screwy sisters could be.

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